I chose 12 Proprietary Eponyms out of all these suggestions that arrived from all over the world to my inbox: Kodak, Xerox, Bic, Aspirin, Q-Tip, Styrofoam, Windex, Ketchup, Post it, Nescafe, Nesquik, Spax, Google, Rolodex, Filofax, Tupperware, Walkman, Phillips Screw, Lego, Pampers, Black & Decker, Vespa, Fridge (Frigidaire), Keds, Band-Aids, Cellophane, BMX Granola, Zipper, Yo-Yo, Nicorette, Nutella, Tampaz, Sharpie, X-Acto, La-Z-Boy, Velcro, Play-Doh, Zambuk, Lip Ice, BluTack, Chapstick, Skype, FedEx, Kraft Dinner, Tippex, Disprin, Dettol, Chupa Chups, Hoover, Jeep, Rollerblade, Gillete, Kispo, Formica, Cool Whip, TiVo, Linoleum, Guiness, Coke, Plexiglas, ZipLock, Saran Wrap, iPod, Frisbee, UHU, Tixo, Obi, Goiserer, Tesa, Patez, Tempo, Philadelphia, Zippo, Stanley, Scottex, Frigo, Sopalin, Vaseline, Chiclet, Labello, Cimbalino, Zewa, Edding, Nivea, Speedo, Slinky, Gladwrap, Sunlight, Prestik, Kreepy Krauly, Radenska, Superga, Spa, Stanley Knife.
Here is the result.
Thank you so much to everyone who sent their suggestions.
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